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Thread: MT4冻结......帮忙!!

  1. #1


    not installed any dodgy ea's etc
    checked memory usage


  2. #2

    Quote Originally Posted by ;
    如果您运行的是Windows 7,最近的Service Pack 1更新可能与它有关吗?在微软更新之后,我的一个演示测试代理不再工作了。希望你找到问题,谋杀

  3. #3

  4. #4

  5. #5
    well two things i would look at..first see if an indior common to all three is is creating a problem.. easiest way to do that is take them off one by one till the issue stops.. since it has been working this is doubtfull but worth a try.. second and most probable is one or all of your brokers updated mt4 to a new version and causing an indior to not work right.. have you noticed an mt4 live message at all.. i have had one this past week... you may need to recompile an indior to work in the new version or download the platform new you system slowing down at other times one not using mt4 platforms..that could then indie a computer usage, new progr loaded etc.. could cause it..

  6. #6
    sorry i didn't see the last post you found the problem.. actually it wasn't there until after i posted.. maybehistoforexis getting the skype delay bug.. anyway i have had that happen with certain anti virus progr.. glad you found a solution..

  7. #7

  8. #8

    Quote Originally Posted by ;
    我正在运行Avast!但我一次只运行一个版本的MT4。 AVAST!在过去的几个月中已经两次更新了它的引擎,所以,是的,这可能是它。也许你可以在Avast中改变一个设置!?如果没有,也许在Avast开始支持票!论坛,看看你是否能得到一些帮助。我讨厌看到一台电脑,特别是一台交易电脑,在今天的世界里没有受到保护!你可以更好地运行IMO保护,而不仅仅是关闭它,如果你可以让它工作。希望你找到一个更好的解决方案来解决你的问题,而不仅仅是关闭你的盾牌!和平,

  9. #9

    Quote Originally Posted by ;
    I'm running Avast! but I only run one version of MT4 at a time. Avast! has updated its engine twice in the last few months so, yeah, that is probably it. Maybe there is a setting you could change in Avast!? If not, maybe start a support ticket at the Avast! forums and see if you can get some help. I hate to see a computer, especially a trading computer, go unprotected in today's world! You would be better of having the protection running IMO than just shutting it off if you can get it to work. Hope you find a better solution to your problem than...
    我可以运行我测试的4或5 mt4演示代理平台,同时使用最新版本的avast(6.0.1),没有任何问题。所有盾牌都在运行。 AVG曾经给我带来麻烦,所以我放弃了avast。

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by ;
    I'm running Avast! but I only run one version of MT4 at a time. Avast! has updated its engine twice in the last few months so, yeah, that is probably it. Maybe there is a setting you could change in Avast!? If not, maybe start a support ticket at the Avast! forums and see if you can get some help. I hate to see a computer, especially a trading computer, go unprotected in today's world! You would be better of having the protection running IMO than just shutting it off if you can get it to work. Hope you find a better solution to your problem than...
    实际上,我想我刚刚找到了解决问题的方法。点击你的Avast!系统托盘中的图标,然后转到Real Time ShieldsFile System Shields然后单击Expert Settings然后单击Exclusions,并在Exclusions窗口的底部有一个Add按钮,单击它然后单击Browse然后浏览到你的MT4安装loions并在metatrader文件夹(所有平台)旁边放置一个复选标记。然后单击确定两次。这样它就不会扫描它们(它们现在被排除在扫描之外),也许这将使你能够运行所有的MT4并同时运行所有的Avast防护罩!如果有效,请告诉我!这也可以帮助其他交易者!


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